Friday, May 22, 2020

Fri-YAY! Last Day! The year of Petunia and Covid-19!

                                                             Looks like we made it!
                             We made it through 4th grade, We made it through remote learning!
                                                               We made it together!

Stop, Drop and Listen: “I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends” by the Beatles

Featured teacher: We will meet at 11 am to share our thoughts and say our goodbyes.

Miss Emily Morales:  What do you love about St. Ann School?

What are some of your favorite memories of our last 2 years together?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Morning Check In

Thursday’s work

Mystery Doug Live:  How Long Does it Take to Get to the Moon @ 12 noon

Featured teacher assignment:

Miss Bowers:  Why are movies important?  if you can, watch the movie “ Monkey Up”.  We will  discuss the movie during whole group discussion today at 2.  “Monkey Up” can be found of Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Mr. Sutton: How are shapes used in art?   use shapes to create a drawing (see sample) 
*submit drawing on hangouts for Mr. Sutton to review

Miss Bannister:  What are the benefits of obstacle training? create an outdoor obstacle course
* how fast can you complete your course?, what is the most challenging part of your course?

**if you are unable to watch “Monkey Up”-watch your favorite kids movie.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Morning Check In

Would you rather be a monkey or an elephant? Explain.

Wednesday’s work

                                                Virtual Field Trip:  Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity.

Science lab: Make slime at home   *this is a suggested recipe, you can use a different recipe
-share a picture on hangouts of you and your slime

Explore NASA Space Place- NASA Science for Kids

Watch the story about Pip.  What is the theme of the movie?
What is Pip”s vocation? What are his character traits?
How can you be more like Pip?

*Will meet on hangouts @ 2 p.m.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Explorer Classroom Link

Be there by 1.

Tuesday’s work

Virtual Field Trip:  National Geographic, Explorer Classroom @ 1pm
*check blog close to time for link.

Stop, Drop, Listen:  I Need My Monster

Featured Teacher Assignments:
Miss Savannah Bannister
1.  Art: Draw a realistic animal of your choice.  Send picture on hangouts, Mrs. Miller’s Fantastic 4th Graders. Savvy will provide you feedback.

Miss Hatchee Duda
2.  Video:  Create a talent video.  Are you good at telling jokes, doing magic, dancing, singing? Make a short video to show off your mad skills and post on hangouts for us to see.  

Let’s meet today at 2.  Focus:  Good Day/Bad Day and interesting facts from our field trip.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Morning Check In

Would you rather. . . .

Monday’s work

1. IXL skill U.1 add decimal numbers

1.  Readworks Article:   A Sudden Slice of Summer (Read and complete question set)


Miss Allie Nacrelli:
Creative writing:   write a creative story about a job you would like to do in the future.
*your story is to be at least 3 paragraphs long -submit final product on Seesaw or email Mrs. Miller

Miss Bryn Bowers:
Art:  draw a self portrait of yourself
*submit drawings to Miss Bryn Bowers on “hangouts” so she can review your work and give you feedback.

Stop, Drop and Watch:

*The power of words.  *Why do words matter? *How can words hurt or help? *What is the theme of this story?  *Can you connect this movie to yourself? Another subject? Another book or movie?
Be prepared to share during whole group meeting today at 2.

Friday, May 15, 2020

National Geographic- Explorer Classroom

@ 1 p.m. Take notes and be ready to share on hangouts at 2 pm

 Photographer Joel Sartore is a man on a mission – he’s committed to taking portraits of every species living in the world’s zoos, aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries (that’s more than 15,000 species)! Join us to learn about Joel’s recent escapades as the founder of the National Geographic Photo Ark – and be some of the first to learn about his newest addition to the Ark!

Morning Check In

Friday’s work

We all need a break, especially you.
Based on yesterday’s small group discussion most everyone is feeling burned out and sad; your lives have been turned upside down because of Covid.  I know that you have had a time of it - it is hard not to be with your friends, to be cooped up in the house, to be glued to your laptop, to feel scared.  To worry that if you get to close to kids in the neighborhood you might get sick and you worry about your family getting sick too.   These are normal feelings in a very un-normal time.
During remote learning you have learned to be a manager, a self directed learner, a technology guru and how to be flexible.  You have grown into an independent, responsible scholar and person! Most people don’t learn these skills until they are in college, if ever:)
I want  you to know that I am very proud of each and everyone of you.  You do your best everyday, you do your best to stay positive, you do your best to take care of those you love. You trust in God.
You are a practicing Saint!

God says to you today “I am going to take every bit of anxiety, fear, stress, and pain away from you, and fill you with My peace, love, healing a blessings.”  

Friday’s Assignments: As promised, you are the teacher for today.  Here are the assignments you created:
1. Miss Bryn Bowers:  create a beautiful  picture of a cross or a religious symbol of your choice.
*send completed picture to Mrs. Miller by end of day

2.  Miss Lexi Adams:  Explorer Classroom, National Geographic virtual field trip @ 1
*take notes to share during whole group meeting today at 2. *check blog for the link close to time

3. Mr. Dominic Podesta:  Mystery Doug Science:  How do magicians trick people?   *try out the magic trick at the end

4.  Miss Hatchee Duda:  Make a kite. Then go outside and have some fun with it.
*see video or picture on “hangouts” so we all can see it. 
here are some links to visit for ideas:

P.S. Keep your ideas coming and I use your ideas for next week.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Morning Check In

Padlet Survey says:
Would you rather be a famous rock star or a famous actor when you grow up?

Thursday’s work

Math:  Division
Objective: “I can divide 2 digit numbers by multiples of 10.”
1.  Word Problem of the Day:  Division (Seesaw)
2. IXL skill E.22, divide 2-digit numbers by multiples of 10
*see Seesaw tutorial

Reading: Reading Comprehension is the foundation of all other learning.
Objective: “I can identify early explorers.”
1.  Article A Day:  Russia (read an article and complete book of knowledge)
2.  Main Article:  Vikings and European Explorers

Grammar:  Editing
1. Go to Seesaw and complete Grammar Bell Ringer #10

*Religion:  Hearing God’s Call
1. Reading from Tuesday, Chapter 11, pegs. 155-157

*Stop, Drop, Listen and Enjoy!
For old-time sakes:  
“Where Do I Go?” 
“ Eleanor Rigby”.

Small Group Thursday:  Group AA @ 12, Group B @ 12:30, Group C @ 1, Group D @ 2
*Small group focus: Religion and the songs Where Do I Go and Eleanor Rigby.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Support Class Wednesday:
Art: Group A @9:30 and Group B @9:45
PE: 11
Music: 12:30
SPARKS: 1:00

Math: Division Story Problem on SeeSaw

Reading:  Article-A-Day, Russia (select a passage to read, then complete book of knowledge)

Virtual Field Trip:  All A Board on the Endeavour to the Galapagos Islands
*enjoy your trip to the fascinating Galápagos Islands.  Have ready your scientific notebook to record wildlife sightings, observation of plankton fresh from the ocean and much more.
Send a summary of your adventure to Mrs. Miller in Seesaw by end of day.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

End of Day

Items you will need for PE tomorrow:
Oversized tshirt, oversized shorts and a hat 2 plastic cups and a  clock or stopwatch
1 sock ball or tennis ball
6 bowls (plastic if possible), 1 sock ball, paper and pencil to tally the score

Morning Check In

Would you rather live in a castle or a giant yacht?  Explain.

Tuesday’s work

Math:  Check your progress
Objective: “I can solve for unknown variables.”
1. Math textbook, page 458, #s 1-21 odd
*send picture of completed work to Mrs. Miller

Reading:  The study of history is the study of humanity.”
Objective:  “I can build my understanding of the world around me.”
1. Article-A-Day:  Russia (read an article daily and write in your book of knowledge)
2. Main Article: Vikings and European Explorers (read and complete question set)

Where Did Russia Come From? watch the video and take notes.

Religion:  Responding to God’s Call
Objective:  “How can I listen to God’s call?”
1. Religion workbook, read pages 155-156 *highlight and annotate text

*Small group Tuesday is canceled for today.  We will have small groups on Thursday and Friday.  

Monday, May 11, 2020

Morning Check In

Would you rather read minds or be invisible?

Monday's work

Math:  EasyCBM Spring Assessment
1. Go to the the link below and complete Math 4_Spring
* go over each problem carefully and check your work for accuracy

Reading: EasyCBM Reading Comprehension 4_Spring
1. Go to the link below and read the story Rubies for Ruth, then complete the question set.
*you may want to print the story as it is long and it will be easier to refer back to the passage to find text evidence.

Religion: Responding to God's Call. The story of Eli and Samuel.
Directions watch video and take notes for tomorrow's small group discussion.

Grammar:  Extra practice
Objective: “I can identify prepositions and the object of the preposition.”
1. Complete grammar workbook page 146, #s 1-7

Remember to check the support teachers weekly assignments on the St. Ann teacher blogs.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Morning Check In

Padlet Survey says:  “Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?”
Post your response on the link above.

Friday’s work

Math:  Order of Operations
Objective:  “I can simplify expressions.”
1. Daily Word Problem:  Multi-step word problem (Seesaw, activities)
2.  Math Textbook, p. 452, #’s 1-6. (Read and go over examples on p. 452 before beginning work)

Reading:  Geography and Societies
Objective:  “ I can build empathy by learning about different cultures.”
1. Article-A-Day Set: Coming-of-Age Traditions (select one article to read and complete Book of Knowledge) * you should have a total of 3 entries by today
2. Main Article:  Butterfly Business (read and complete the question set)

Grammar: Kahoots!

Stop, Drop, & Watch: short animated film “The Present”
Write: What is the theme of this story? How can you connect this story to - Religion, Knots on a Counting Rope, To Yourself? How does this film help to build Empathy?
Empathy- the ability to understand and share feelings of another
Post typed essay on Seesaw by end of day.

*Fluency:  the reading fluency is scheduled from 11:30 to 12:30.  Please have hangouts open, so you can receive my call; it will only take a couple of minutes per scholar. Also, have the reading prompt ready (it was sent out on Portal Plus yesterday).
  I am going in alphabetical order.  If I should miss you, I will call you after everyone has been assessed.  Thank you

Thursday, May 7, 2020


 Click on the link to submit your response.

Thursday’s work

                                            Explorer Classroom , National Geographic 
Bee Hive tour today @ 12 noon with Dalal Hanna.  Click on the link below at noon. 

Math:  EasyCBM. Spring Assessment
CCSS Math 4_Spring     https://stann-tn.easycbm. 

Reading:  EasyCBM. Spring Assessment
CCSS Reading_Spring.

Small Group Thursday:  **time change due to the field trip
Group AA @ 11:30, Group B @ 1, Group C @ 1:30 and Group D @ 2

Listen again to yesterday’s story and be prepared to discuss during small group.
Knots on a counting Rope

*What is the theme of the story? The setting? Characters? Plot?
*Listen for the use of metaphors. What does the counting rope represent?
*Make connections (text to self, text to text, etc.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wednesday’s Work

Support Class Wednesday:

Art @ 9:30 group and @ 9:45 group 
P.E. @ 11. Items you will need: empty water bottle, laundry basket, tennis ball or rolled up socks, quarter full water bottle, 3 paper airplanes a bucket, and shoes
**Music @ 12:30 

Spring Benchmark, EasyCBM: Vocabulary 4_Spring

Religion: Chapter 11 test, go to the Be My Discipline link on the right side bar on the blog. Email test results to Mrs. Miller by end of day.

Grammar:  IXL skill PP.2, identify the preposition and the object of the preposition

Writing: write an essay about our visit with National Park Ranger Luke Mason.
Details to include in your essay:  Name the 3 crops the Native Americans grew and ate?
Instead of going to war, Native American’s played what game to settle disputes? Include interesting facts about the game. Finally, include three interesting facts you learned.
Submit your typed essay on Seesaw.

Stop, Drop and Listen:  Knots on a counting Rope

Morning Check In

Whole group check in at 11:30 via “Hangouts”- look for my call under Mrs. Miller’s Fantastic 4th graders.  We have birthday to acknowledge today.

Tuesday’s work

Special Guest @ 1:30, National Park Ranger Luke Mason will discuss Native Americans, pre contact.
Mrs. Miller will call you via Hangouts.

Math:  Algebra
Objective:  “I can compare expressions using symbols.”
1. Daily Word Problem: Mr. Searle’s Toilet Paper Problem (Seesaw, new activity)
2. Watch Mrs. Miller’s tutorial video on Seesaw (Seesaw, student announcements)
3. Math text book, p. 451 8-14

Reading:  Geography & Societies
Objective: “ I can build empathy through learning about different cultures.”
1. Article-A-Day:  Coming of Age Traditions and Book of Knowledge
2. Main Article:  Mexican Mole (read and complete question set)

Grammar:  Parts of Speech
Objective:  “I can identify the object of the preposition.”
Directions:  Grammar workbook page 100, 1-7. (Seesaw, review video, student announcements)

Vocabulary:  EasyCBM 4_7

Small Group Tuesday: Group AA @12, Group B @12:30, Group C @ 1,
Group D will meet directly after our guest speaker
**small group focus on math and grammar

Continue to work on handwriting and review for tomorrow’s Religion test.

Monday, May 4, 2020

End of Day

Check out this funny music video after a hard day of work.  Enjoy!!!

Padlet Survey- please complete

Monday’s work 5/4

Check support class  assignments

Math: Algebra
Objective:  “ I can solve a variety of algebra problems.”
1.  Daily word problem: help Danny solve a problem on Seesaw
2.  Go to and complete skill set Number Operations & Algebra 4_7

Reading: Geography & Societies
Objective:  “I can build empathy by learning about different cultures.”
1. Article-A-Day Set: Coming-of-Age Traditions (select one article to read daily and complete Book of Knowledge)
2.  Main article:  How Charlie Got Her Chopsticks (read & complete question set)
3.  Set up your “Student Library” in Readworks

Grammar:  Parts of Speech
Objective:  “I can identify prepositions and prepositional phrases.”
1. Watch video.
2.  Complete grammar workbook p. 99, send picture of work to Mrs. Miller

Religion:  God is Among Us
Objective:  “ What is a Sacrament?”
1. Read pages 150-151, complete activity (Religion test Wednesday)
2.  Close by praying Our Father

Handwriting:  Lesson 23, due Friday
*Have you turned in you free writes for lesson 21 & 22? Please send to Mrs. Miller for a grade.

Friday, May 1, 2020

End of Day Check Out

 Thank you for your participation, everyone was awesome! I loved all the pictures and videos you sent me today- this was the best field trip/ field day ever:)

Mrs. Miller’s Results: Jumping Jacks, Throwing, Running Laps


                                       Field Trip and Field Day- A Perfect Friday Combo!

First, see what the San Diego Zoo has to offer.  Be sure to visit the petting zoo and the gorillas.
San Diego Zoo.

Petting Zoo.

Gorilla Domain

Write: What was your favorite part of the zoo, why? What did you learn from each exhibit you visited?  Do you think the animals have a good environment to live in? Why or why not?  Answer these questions in your field trip summary, write at least 6 to 8 sentences. Post on Seesaw.

Second, field day fun: (email your results, #’s 1-4 and picture to Mrs. Miller)
1.  How many jumping jacks can you do in one minute?
2.  How many times can you throw a ball to your dog or whoever in 2 minutes?
3.  How many times can you run around your yard in 3 minutes?
4.  Create your own field day activity
* Mrs. Miller will post her results on the blog by noon

****Mass for 2020 Graduates, Bishop Talley @ noon.